HTRFA Enters Interim Agreement for Live Performance Venue
The Historic Triangle Recreational Facilities Authority voted unanimously on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, to approve an interim agreement with MEB General Contractors Inc. to design a live performance venue on property in the City of Williamsburg.
The HTRFA is a regional entity established by the City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County. Its mission is to evaluate, construct, and operate recreational facilities supported by one or more of the participating localities.
In September 2022, HTRFA selected MEB’s design team for the addition of recreational venues planned for approximately 62.9 acres adjacent to the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center, which HTRFA leases from the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. The regional sports center is the first phase of the project and is now under construction after, through the interim agreement process, the three localities approved the sports center’s concept plan. The live performance venue is the second phase.
Architectural firms Clark Nexsen, Guernsey Tingle, and Timmons Group are part of the design team for this project.
The interim agreement calls for MEB to develop 35% of the live performance venue design drawings. Consideration of local needs is an essential element of this work. The process will include soliciting input from the various performance groups in the Historic Triangle to ensure the facility design meets as many needs as possible. Advocates for a Live Performance Venue, a local advocacy group that includes many regional performance entities, was approved this week to receive a grant from the Williamsburg City Council to conduct market and economic analyses with Victus Advisors, the firm that conducted similar analyses for the sports center.
Completing the work of the Interim Agreement and the studies will equip the HTRFA and the localities with the information needed to decide how and whether to advance this project to construction. The work is expected to be completed in early 2025. Read the interim agreement at
HTRFA is a governing body made up of members of the three Historic Triangle localities – the chief executive and one additional staff member of the three localities – to oversee the Regional Sports and Events Facilities Project. The Authority is tasked with leasing the property, procuring the construction and financing for the project, and managing the operations of the facility once it has been constructed.