Notice of Receipt of an Unsolicited Proposal for a Public-Private Partnership for a Regional Indoor Sports Facility
The Historic Triangle Recreational Facilities Authority has received and accepted two unsolicited proposals under the provisions of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA) for the construction of a Regional Indoor Sports Facility located on property at 100 Visitor Center Drive in the City of Williamsburg. The proposal is for the construction of a facility of at least 160,000 square feet with 12 basketball courts which can be converted to 24 volleyball courts and 36 pickleball courts. At least one court should be sized to accommodate college-level play when necessary and the facility should be designed to offer championship seating options. The facility should incorporate office space, modular multi-purpose rooms, a lobby, concessions, kitchen, a mezzanine level, storage, box office/ticketing all appropriately sized to support the playing courts. Proposals incorporating the sports facility within the context of a larger master plan development including other potential elements is encouraged. See a map showing the general outlines of the potential developable site.
The Authority intends to evaluate the unsolicited proposals and may negotiate a comprehensive agreement with one of the private entities based on the proposals. However, in accordance with the Authority’s Guidelines for Implementation of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (available online), other interested private entities are invited to submit competing unsolicited conceptual phase proposals for this project for simultaneous consideration. Copies of the received unsolicited proposals are available for review by contacting Julie Phares at [email protected] or 757-220-6181.
To submit a competing unsolicited proposal, please provide one original and seven copies to, Historic Triangle Recreation Facilities Authority, Travis Dill – Purchasing Agent, 401 Lafayette Street, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 no later than 3 p.m. Eastern Time on April 25, 2022. Proposals must be clearly marked as a “PPEA Proposal for HTRFA Indoor Sports Facility”. For additional information, please contact Travis Dill – [email protected] or 757-220-6181.