HTRFA Votes to Begin Soliciting Bids for Regional Sports Facility Through PPEA Process
The Historic Triangle Recreational Facilities Authority (HTRFA) voted unanimously on Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, to begin soliciting bids for a regional sports facility through the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act (PPEA).
The PPEA process allows HTRFA to choose its preferred proposal for designing and building a regional sports facility and to negotiate the contract. The Authority has already received two unsolicited proposals for the facility.
HTRFA is a new governing body made up of members of the three Historic Triangle localities — the chief executive and one additional staff member of the three localities — to oversee the regional indoor sports facility planned for land near the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center.
The Authority is tasked with leasing the property, procuring the construction and financing for the project, and managing the operations of the facility once it has been constructed.
The Historic Triangle localities have been pursuing a regional indoor sports complex since 2014. In 2019, the Williamsburg City Council approved a grant application from the Williamsburg Hotel & Motel Association that served as a catalyst for project advancement. In the fall of 2021, all three localities committed to forming the Authority, which began its monthly meetings in January. In its first two meetings, the Authority has adopted bylaws and launched the PPEA process.